Make Model
php artisan fibers:make:model <Title> [Options]
Fibers Rocket considers Models to be a first-class citizens (alongside its table) and are it's entry point into your application when fetching required information. Models are used to smartly populate data when creating controllers, layours, guards, etc.
Model will be created either in app
or app/Models
folder, depending on location of other models, it's namespace will be set accordingly, it's attributes will be appropriately cast and relationships will be set.
Some attributes will be ignored by default and will not have corresponding fields and will not be cast:
- id
- uuid
- created_at
- updated_at
- deleted_at
- timestamps
- timestampstz
- softdeletes
- softdeletestz
Other attributes will be automatically hidden from array export:
- password
- remember_token
Attributes are automatically added to fillable array for fast prototyping (unless they are hidden or ignored). Don't forget to remove them if necessary.
Attribute Input
Model creation is simple, but does require user's help to set appropriate attributes. This multiline input uses simplified (but modified) migration syntax. Read more about attribute input here.
Some magic attribute types add additional traits to models. You can set them in config/fibers.traits
Parameter | Description |
title | Title is used also for other naming derivatives. It is normalized automatically. |
Command | Description |
--migration|M | Will create migration file as well using same attributes |
Use --silent|S
option to suppress unnecessary input prompt and to populate data automatically.