Setup App
php artisan fibers:setup:app [Options]
Fibers Rocket - Ignite will bootstrap your fresh install of Laravel and deal with some (optional) common first steps:
- scaffolding authentication
- creating 'Models' directory
- preparing folders for view layout & partials
- setting additional languages
- removing unnecessary javascript and sass dependencies
- publishing Fibers config
Command | Description |
--auth|A | Will scaffold default Laravel auth with (optional) email confirmation. |
--models|M | Will create a app/Models folder and move User model there. |
--layouts|L | Will create folders for layouts and partials blade templates. It can also create header, footer partials and app layout. |
--languages|I | Will add a new language to app by creating a new folder in langs and download language files from GitHub. |
--blanks|B | Will remove unneeded dependencies like bootstrap, jquery, ... |
--configs|C | Will publish Fibers config file. |
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