Make Route

php artisan fibers:make:route <Title> [Options]

This command will append a new Route to file set in config/fibers.routes (defaults to routes/web.php).

Command creates a resource route and populates either only or except parameter, depending on which is shortest, based on either only/except options or targeted model's controller if one is found.

Route name is a slug version of targeted model name and is prepared for model dependency modification using route parameter.

Set targeted model by using --target= options to skip model input prompt.


Parameter Description
title Title is used also for other naming derivatives. It is normalized automatically.


Command Description
--controller|C Will create controller as well
--target= Target model
--only= Comma separated collection of controller methods
--except= Comma separated collection of ignored controller methods

Use --silent|S option to suppress unnecessary input prompt and to populate data automatically.