Attribute Input

When using php artisan fibers:model or php artisan fibers:migration command, you will be prompted to enter model/migration's attributes using a nano editor or a simple multiline input.
Both input variants use simplified (but modified) migration syntax with added relationship type and few special types (id, uuid, timestamps etc.):

# regular type
title -> type (arguments), options

# special type


Types correspond to migration columns and in extension to database column types.
The only exception in types (for now) is relationship type - see details below.

List of all types
Type Alternative Arguments Magic Casts
bigIncrements biginc
bigInteger bigint, bi integer
boolean bool, b boolean
char length:int string
date date
dateTime date
dateTimeTz date
decimal precision:int, scale:int decimal
double precision:int, scale:int double
enum select options:array string
float f precision:int, scale:int float
geometry geo collection
geometryCollection collection
increments inc
integer int, i integer
ipAddress ip string
json array, doc, j collection
jsonb collection
lineString string
longText string
macAddress string
mediumInteger integer
mediumText string
multiLineString string
multiPoint collection
multiPolygon collection
nullableTimestamps timestamp
point collection
polygon collection
relationship relation, r has-one, has-many, belongs-one, belongs-many
rememberToken token, remember string
set multiselect options:array string
smallInteger integer
string str, s length:int string
text txt, t string
time date
timeTz date
timestamp timestamp
timestampTz timestamp
timestamps timestamps
timestampsTz timestamps
tinyInteger boolean
unsignedBigInteger integer
unsignedDecimal precision:int, scale:int decimal
unsignedInteger integer
unsignedMediumInteger integer
unsignedSmallInteger integer
unsignedTinyInteger boolean
uuid string
year date

Types are automatically normalized: dashes (-) are removed and string is lowercased.
Arguments are automatically cast to appropriate type so you shouldn't use quotes.


Options include model attribute settings, model relationship modifiers, migration column modifiers and migration index modifiers.

List of all options
Option Arguments Description Model Migration
thought string relate model thought other model's class
pivot string, string list of pivot columns in many-many relationship
model model's class used as target model when creating relationships; default field title
table string used as table when setting relationship
local string used as local key when setting relationship
foreign string used as foreign when setting relationship
------ ---------- ----------- ----- ---------
fillable add to fillable array
hidden add to hidden array
eager eager load relationship
format string sets date to format
morph string sets morph target to model's class
as string ???
timestamps attach timestamps to many-many pivot table
------ ---------- ----------- ----- ---------
after string place the column "after" another column
autoIncrement automatically increment column
useCurrent desc
charset string specify a character set for the column
collation string specify a collation for the column
comment string ads comment to column
default mixed sets default value
first place the column "first" in the table
nullable sets column as nullable
unsigned set INTEGER columns as UNSIGNED
useCurrent set TIMESTAMP columns to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value
unique sets unique requirement
primary sets column as primary key
index index this column
update string sets onUpdate for foreign column
delete string sets onDelete for foreign column

If model, table, local or foreign options are not set, they will be auto-populated from field's title.

Magic Types

There are some 'magic' types that do not have neither title nor any arguments or options.

  • id: create bigIncrements column with title 'id'
  • uuid: create char column with title 'uuid' and add appropriate trait to model
  • timestamps|timestampsTz|nullableTimestampTz: create 'created_at' and 'updated_at' columns
  • rememberToken: create a 'remember_token' varchar column
  • softDeletes|softDeletesTz: create 'deleted_at' timestamp column and add appropriate trait to model

Some magic types add additional traits to models. You can set them in config/fibers.traits


title -> string (255)
published -> boolean, hidden
published_at -> date, format:d-m-Y
place -> relationship (belongs-to-many), eager
rating -> relationship (belongs-to-many), pivot:title|amount, eager
user -> relationship (has-one)
review -> relationship (has-one), trough:Place
tags -> relationship (has-many), morph:taggable